Being able to remember back Ghostbusters II back at 2-years-old means at this point I've been a full member of the 20-plus-year wait for any sign of a 3rd movie. Luckily, since my adolescence took up much of that time, The Real Ghostbusters and even the Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon shows did a good job of tiding me over. Any chance of a Ghostbusters sighting was good, even if it was just a little wink or nudge from another movie.
As time wore on, the more that it became clear that of all the originals to potentially put on the jumpsuits ever again, Bill Murray would be one of the least likely. It seemed like Murray had wiped his hands completely of any ties to the Ghostbusters franchise.
And then, along came a little flick called Zombieland, featuring one of the greatest cameo appearences in cinema history.
Though the zombie action comedy might not be everyone's cup of tea (I wouldn't really call it a horror movie when stacked up with other movies of the genre), it's one that I enjoyed the hell out of. It is argued that it shouldn't be compared to Shaun of the Dead, while others say it is the American equivalent. I tend to agree that they are not to be put against each other, but I definitely think they fall into a category with some of the recent genre send-up films like Hot Fuzz and Kick-Ass (i.e. they kick ass).
I heard about the cameo when it was first reportedly filmed on the movie news sites, but even that couldn't prepare for the awesomeness of it actually unfolding before my eyes. Especially with Ghostbusters getting to feature nicely into the whole scenario. And in a lot of respects, Zombieland does borrow a little bit from the playbook of the film that it features (Twinkies anybody??), as any good high-concept horror-comedy hybrid should.
With this film being the closest Bill Murray had stepped into the vicinity even entertaining his old stomping grounds, I figured it couldn't hurt to count this little video amongst Ghostbusters Week nonsense. For the choice of music, I went with a song that isn't too well known, opting for the track "In Search Of" by Miike Snow.
And with that, let's keep it up with the Ghostbusters Week update for Thursday, September 8th, 2010: without further ado, Dizzle presents Zombieland featuring "In Search Of" by Miike Snow. Time to nut up or shut up!
VIDEO: Tom Turkizzlemits's Thanksgiving Announcement! (added 11/25)
BLOG #4: "Pre-Halloweenie" [Dizzlemits on!] (added 10/29)
VIDEO: "The Dark Knight" featuring "Right in Two" by Tool (added 10/29)
VIDEO: "Little Shop of Horrors" featuring "Electro-Lude" by Hyper (added 10/28)
VIDEO: "Grosse Pointe Blank" featuring "Falling Down (The Prodigy Remix)" by Oasis (added 10/21)
VIDEO: "Freddy vs. Jason" featuring "Wolf Like Me" by TV on the Radio (added 10/18)
VIDEO: "Beetlejuice" featuring "Dirty Harry" by Gorillaz (added 10/15)