Prior to the release of the behemoth that is Inception, I actually did a good job at breaking one of my worst habits when it came to anticipated releases. Outside of hearing a one or two sentence description of the movie just so I wasn't completely clueless as to just what it was I was getting myself hyped up for, I actually avoided most of the spoilers. Infact, outside of seeing the trailer once or twice with other movies, I went in without having glimpsed more than 2 minutes of the movie, a very rare feat with how much films are actually given away in advertising these days.
Sure, I was blown away by the movie (which my sister accurately telegraphed as a last second comment as the lights dimmed, "Prepare to have your mindfucked by Chris Nolan!"). But not as much as I was by the shockingly awesome mash-ups that follow.
Now a lot of people may be complaining (like every other year) that this summer movie season is "the worst ever". There's "no more big guns." When I hear people say that, I get very offended. I start seeing red, punching throats, and punting babies.
Granted, I know most people out there don't have quite the same soft spot for Stallone that I do. I certainly see that being raised by the Rocky movies and owning the Cliffhanger game for the SNES (bet you didn't even know that existed?) means I'll pretty much like any shit-in-a-box film he's done (no excuse for Spy Kids 3D though). Seeing Rocky Balboa come out in theaters was something of a bittersweet accomplishment for me, being the first Rocky movie I saw in theaters. But thinking back to my younger days over a decade ago when I would read news about the "Will they?/Won't they?" production statuses for a potential 6th Rocky, I never thought it was something I would actually see.
I'll make my jokes about Sly like everyone else, but anyone who saw Rocky Balboa knows that it was something special. Maybe not better than the original, but the closest to it that the series would ever be. Sly knows he made the closing chapter that he wished Rocky V had been, which is why I'm happy he knows to let it be.
But the thing with Inception... well, those dreams can continue on a bit...
Now this isn't exactly one of those trailer mash-ups. With my ADD kicking in after watching half of the Inception trailers, I'm fine with never seeing the green preview screen ever again. Instead, this is my way of telling the story of Rocky Balboa with the awesome mood music from the Inception trailer, "Mind Heist" courtesy of Zack Hemsey. As it goes along, it's interesting to see how despite being completely different stories, Inception & Rocky Balboa deal with similar key issues of the heart and letting go.
And now without further ado, Dizzle is here to bridge the last week gap that remains between Nolan's masterpiece and The Expendables, bringing you the debut of Rocky VInception.
VIDEO: Tom Turkizzlemits's Thanksgiving Announcement! (added 11/25)
BLOG #4: "Pre-Halloweenie" [Dizzlemits on!] (added 10/29)
VIDEO: "The Dark Knight" featuring "Right in Two" by Tool (added 10/29)
VIDEO: "Little Shop of Horrors" featuring "Electro-Lude" by Hyper (added 10/28)
VIDEO: "Grosse Pointe Blank" featuring "Falling Down (The Prodigy Remix)" by Oasis (added 10/21)
VIDEO: "Freddy vs. Jason" featuring "Wolf Like Me" by TV on the Radio (added 10/18)
VIDEO: "Beetlejuice" featuring "Dirty Harry" by Gorillaz (added 10/15)